Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Place: Cambridge Community Garden
Address: Washington St. Cambridge, NY
Please join ASA and mycologist Sue Van Hook for an in-depth discussion of soil health in your garden.
During this hands-on event, you will learn techniques for observing changes in soil health that you can practice in your own gardens, including water infiltration and slake tests and sieving soil for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spores. Sue will also discuss how practices such as planting diverse cover crops, minimizing tillage, mulching, and maintaining living roots in the ground can build soil health, and improve soil water holding capacity, nutrient availability, and plant health.
Registration for this program is free but is required in advance. For questions, contact Janet Britt at Janet@agstewardship.org
Support for this program is generously provided by the Robert H. Wentorf Foundation, Inc. and by the following business sponsors.