Agricultural Stewardship AssociationAgricultural Stewardship Association

Programs and Events

Event Details

Interseeded Cover Crop and Soil Health Field Talk
28 Oct
Interseeded Cover Crop and Soil Health Field Talk
Date: October 28, 2021
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Place: Otter Creek Farm
Address: 189 Otter Creek Road, Johnsonville, NY 12094

Join ASA for a field talk led by Dr. Allen Williams of Understanding Ag. Dr. Williams will discuss the use of cover crops, including interseeding, to improve soil health. We will meet at Otter Creek Farm to view a demonstration plot where multi-species cover crops have been interseeded into silage corn and discuss the potential for grazing the cover after corn harvest. The program will also include hands-on demonstrations of soil tests, including water infiltration and slake tests, which farmers can use to measure soil health on their own farms.

Otter Creek Farm, Tiashoke Farm and Hickory Hill Dairy are participating in a three-year demonstration grant funded by NE SARE and administered by ASA. The grant seeks to support farmers in experimenting with interseeding of cover crops in silage corn, which may result in a more reliable and robust winter cover than can be established with post-harvest seedings. The grant is also looking at the soil health gains from interseeding cover crops and any additional benefits from fall grazing.

For questions about this event, please contact Janet Britt by emailing Janet@agstewardship.org, or by calling 518-692-7285

Understanding Ag offers hands-on training through the Soil Health Academy for farmers where participants learn how to increase profitability, build resiliency into the land, decrease input costs, and improve the nutrient density of food and agricultural products through practical regenerative agricultural principles.

This demonstration grant and field day are supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, through the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number ONE19-330

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